Convert SRT to LyRiCs(.lrc) Subtitles

Free online tool designed for converting SubRip subtitle files to LyRiCs(.lrc) format effortlessly.

How to Convert SRT to LRC Easily?

  1. Upload Your SRT File: Upload your SubRip subtitle file (.srt) to begin the conversion process. Go to the upload section, select your SRT file, and prepare to convert it to LRC.
  2. Choose "LyRiCs (.lrc)" as format: Select the desired format to personalize your output. To ensure compatibility with a wide range of multimedia players, choose "LyRiCs (.lrc)". If necessary, feel free to investigate other accessible formats.
  3. Begin the Conversion: After you've established your options, start the process by selecting "Convert." Your file will be submitted securely to our server for a speedy and efficient transformation.
  4. Download Your LRC File: Be patient. Wait a few seconds for your SRT file to be transformed into an LRC masterpiece. When you're finished, download your converted LRC file and integrate it into your multimedia content.

Conversion of SRT to LRC:

SRT (SubRip Subtitle) and LRC (LyRiCs) are two prominent video subtitle formats for providing synchronized text representation of spoken content. Here's a quick rundown of each:

SRT (SubRip Subtitle):

A straightforward text-based subtitle format with numbered entries. Each entry contains a sequential number, a timecode for the presence and removal of subtitles, and the text content.


    00:00:10,500 --> 00:00:13,000
    This is the first subtitle.

    00:00:15,000 --> 00:00:18,000
    And here is the second one.

LyRiCs (LRCs):

A contemporary and adaptable subtitle format designed for web applications. LRC, like SRT, comprises timecodes and text content for each subtitle entry, as well as styling, placement, and metadata.


    [00:12.00]Line 1 lyrics
    [00:17.20]Line 2 lyrics

    [00:21.10][00:45.10]Repeating lyrics (e.g. chorus)
    [mm:ss.xx]last lyrics line

Extra Features of LRC: LRC lets you specify attributes like text alignment, style, and location by using cue settings. Additionally, it supports metadata, which qualifies it for sophisticated web-based video applications.

In conclusion, LRC has extra characteristics that make it more suitable for web-based video material, such as online streaming services and HTML5 video players, whereas SRT is a straightforward and extensively used subtitle format. Select the format that best meets your platform's or application's needs.

Subtitle Converters